Browse Items (1651 total)
Antigorite, magnetite, carbonates (ankerite), diopside, clinohumite, tremolite, chlorite. Rarely, pseudomorphs on primary pyroxenes may be recognized, though there is superimposition of various deformational phases.
Antigorite, magnetite, ankeritic carbonate, diopside, tremolite. A very marked subsequent foliation nearly completely obliterates a previous initial foliation.

2013-10-08 18.37.13.jpg
From the Concord Granite. Thin section contains plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, biotite, and muscovite. Hand sample is finer grained and contains feldspars, quartz, and micas.


Sample found intruding into Conway Granite (WMB-7)



Macroscopic: Argillite bearing spessartine garnet formed through reaction with the surrounding rock during metamorphism. Microscopic: Abundant medium-sized garnet phenocrysts within a very fine grained matrix. Thin section pictures in XPL unless…

Grain sizes sand to silty sand, rounded and angular with very minor examples of weathering and thin quartz vein present. Collected from the same quarry as FR-2. (FOV: 1.28mm)

Grain size is fine sand to silty sand, mostly angular with some rounded crystals. Various shades of surficial weathering with distinct pockets of orange-brown oxydation. Fresh surfaces brown-green in color. Collected from same quarry as sample FR-1.…

Coarse sand grains made of quartz, surrounded by smaller feldspar grains. Greenish blue surface color, minimal surface weathering.

(Thin section FOV: 1.28)

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Order: Family: Genus: Species:

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