This charnockite is similiar to most of the Adirondack charnockites that occur interlayered with other metastratified units. Like its analogues, the Canada Lake charnockite shows conformable realationships with enveloping units. Mineralogically, these charnockites consist of 50-60% gray-green mesoperthite, 20-30% quartz, 5-10% sodic plagioclase, and minor amounts of biotite, hornblende and orthopyroxene. The latter mineral is only sporadically in any outcrop. It is not known whether these rocks represent metasediments, metaplutonics, or metavolcanics. The latter possibility is favored by field relationships and homogeneity.
Thin section shows K-feldspar, quartz and plagioclase.
Thin section shows K-feldspar, quartz and plagioclase.
Western Minerals Inc.
Spatial Coverage
Adirondack Highlands- collected on Routes 10 & 29A , 0.7 miles south of the Canada Lake Store and 0.8 miles north of the Nick Stoners Inn. Collected from the west side of a large roadcut at crest of hill (where McLelland found evidence of some orthopyroxene).
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals Inc.
Number of Thin Sections