Alternative Title
Calcnagelfluh conglomerate
Conglomerate, dominated by carbonate pebbles). Only a medium grained (1-10cm) facies collection of out of what was perhaps a 50ft exposure of coarse conglomerates. Light pink quartzite pebbles are interpreted to have been deposited during the Triassic.Â
Poorly sorted mix of sedimentary and igneous clasts floating in a sand sized matrix of varying composition across the sample, with an argiliaceous smell and calcareous content in the cement Thin Section Small grains (1 mm) and small pebble sized granites cemented with mud dominate this thin section, with smaller, angular fragments present as well.
Poorly sorted mix of sedimentary and igneous clasts floating in a sand sized matrix of varying composition across the sample, with an argiliaceous smell and calcareous content in the cement Thin Section Small grains (1 mm) and small pebble sized granites cemented with mud dominate this thin section, with smaller, angular fragments present as well.
Oct., 11, 2013
Western Minerals, lnc.
Is Part Of
Spatial Coverage
Sternenberg, Germany
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals, Inc.
Number of Thin Sections