Green shale
Green shale of the Indian River member of the Normanskill formation. This shale contains muscovite, chlorite, plagioclase, and quartz.
The thin section shows quartz and biotite with some minor opaques.
This rock is from the chlorite zone of the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (low metamorphism).
This rock was collected from the east end of a large road cut where samples 1 and 3 were also collected from.
The thin section shows quartz and biotite with some minor opaques.
This rock is from the chlorite zone of the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (low metamorphism).
This rock was collected from the east end of a large road cut where samples 1 and 3 were also collected from.
Western Minerals
Is Part Of
<a href="http://geosciencecollections.milne-library.org/collections/show/18">Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence--Dutchess County, New York</a>
Spatial Coverage
Dutchess Co., NY
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals Inc.
Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence
Number of Thin Sections