Occhiadine Metagabbro
Alternative Title
Dioritic gabbro with deformational oceanic metamorphism of amphibolitic to greenschist facies and overprinting of prehnite-pumpellite.
Primary phases: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, ilmenite. Oceanic metamorphic paragenesis: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, green to dark hornblende, actinolite, tremolite, chlorite.
Prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphic paragenesis: plagioclase saussuritization with possible neoformation of pumpellyite, clinozoisite, prehnite, chlorite. Gneissic-occhiadine (augen), with development of banded structure with different composition.
Porphyroclasts of the primary phases surrounded by newly formed granoblastic aggregates; tremolite and chlorite aggregates pseudomorphs of olivine. Very fine-grained neoformation of the phases of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies.
Primary phases: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, ilmenite. Oceanic metamorphic paragenesis: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, green to dark hornblende, actinolite, tremolite, chlorite.
Prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphic paragenesis: plagioclase saussuritization with possible neoformation of pumpellyite, clinozoisite, prehnite, chlorite. Gneissic-occhiadine (augen), with development of banded structure with different composition.
Porphyroclasts of the primary phases surrounded by newly formed granoblastic aggregates; tremolite and chlorite aggregates pseudomorphs of olivine. Very fine-grained neoformation of the phases of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies.
no date
Western Minerals Inc.
Spatial Coverage
M. Zenone, Italy
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals Inc.
Number of Thin Sections