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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Annelida Class: Polychaeta Order: Canalipalpata Family: Serpulidae Genus: Species:
Partially serpentinized tectonic lherzolite. Occasionally newly formed diopside may be noted.

FR-4 XPL 100x.JPG
Fresh surfaces are dark blue in color, while weathered surfaces range in shades of green. Asbestos veins intersect throughout the rock, making up ~5% of the crystal mass. (FOV: 1.28)
Dense Serpentine
Serpentine (lizardite) with some structural deformation present.

OCR PDF of supplemental information of the "Sedimentary and Igneous Franciscan Assemblage - California" collection.

Hand Sample
Hand Sample: Microcrystalline vesicular, dark-gray to black scoria. Vesicle size varies throughout the sample, ranging from larger circular vesicles with a diameter of approx. 1.5 cm on one surface and small vesicles (less than 0.1cm in diameter) on…

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Hemichordata Class: Polychaeta Order: Family: Genus: Species:

Show muscovite psuedomorphs and large staurolite crystals

bedded, coarse

thin oxide crust

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