Browse Items (1651 total)

Sandstone with ripple marks and cross bedding and strong flute casts along surface indicating mid-high energy. Poorly sorted coarse sandstone with ripple marks, cross bedding and strong flute casts, as well as small pebbles that vary from angular to…

Gray, medium to coarse grained quartz-rich lithic sandstone with rip up clasts and mud rich areas present. Thin Section Fine, (.7-.1 mm) sub angular crystal fragments floating in mud matrix, with feldspar, quartz, and pyroxene present.

Quartz and feldpsar grains are closely interlocked and grains appear to be shattered

2013-12-10 21.45.19.jpg
Hand Sample: Porphyritic medium-grained phenocrysts of potassium feldspar in a dark purple-red groundmass. Weathers to white and orange-brown.



Sample found in massive slabby outcrops in the bed of the Sawyer River.

from nearly vertical dike cutting quartz monzonite

Described as "comendite volcanics", these rocks are part of the "moat volcanic" series within the White Mountain Magma series. Also described as a "quartz porphyry"

Phenocrysts of lath shaped feldspars and beta quartz
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