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abundant dark xenoliths



Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Porifera Class: Demospongea Order: Family: Genus: Species:

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Brachiopoda Class: Rhynchonellata (Articulata) Order: Rhynchonellida Family: Rhynconellidae Genus: Species:

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria Class: Hydrozoa Order: Hydroida Family: Genus: Species:



Gneiss with a migmatitic fabric. Also contains quartz-feldspar pods.

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. This sample was a part of a roof pendant, or a piece of rock the surrounded a batholith. Likely part of the silimanite zone. Microscopic: This sample under thin section displays an almost entirely mica and…

Micaceous schist containing staurolite. Note that the staurolite is only found in the pelitic layers and is absent in the quartz-rich layers

Muscovite-biotite schist

The metasomatised pyroclastics are from the farm Thysfontein. They are baked and well indurated. Induration is the hardening of rocks by heat or baking as well as the hardening of sediments by cementation or compaction. The pyroclastics are…

country rock
Sodic pyroxene, glaucophane, lawsonite, chlorite. Pseudomorphs of sodic pyroxene and glaucophane,chlorite on original augitic pyroxenes; pseudomorphs of lawsonite and glaucophane on original plagioclase.
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