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Fine grained

OCR PDF of supplemental information for the Meta-Pelite Suite, Shelburne, Nova Scotia collection. This file outlines the descriptions of every sample in suite as well as providing geologic context to the area and the suite itself.
Albite, Na-amphiboles (from Mg-riebeckite to glaucophane, epidote, aegirinic pyroxene, chlorite, ilmenite, tspesphene, apatite, lawsonite. Pseudomorphic relations of the metamorphic paragenesis on the substituted primary phases. Sometimes lawsonite…

large map -- approx. 4x4 feet

large map -- approx. 4x4 feet

most are paper with map section covered in somewhat fragile plastic

most are paper with map section covered in somewhat fragile plastic

PH-16 Thin Section in XPL.
Hand Sample:

The rock is largely comprised of a very fine grained light green matrix with large (1 x 3 cm) black equant galena crystals. It's pretty magnificent.

PH-14 Hand Sample.
Hand Sample:

Large (1 cm-2 cm) dark grey to translucent quartz crystals comprise the matrix of the rock. Melilite minerals propagate consistently paralell to one another throughout the rock.

Hand Sample
Hand Sample: Aphanitic light gray nephelinite containing some melilite. Melilite is the white minerals that range in size from 0.1 to 0.5cm. Sample contains numerous small sized (less than 0.05cm) vesicles that are evident on the cut face.

Megacrystic potassium feldspar gneiss
This lithology is characterized by 1-4 inch long megacrysts of microperthite in a groundmass of quartz, oligoclase, hornblende, orthopyroxene, garnet, and oxide. Although the contacts of this unit are everywhere conformable, the rock is believed to…

Hand Sample: Holocrystalline, phaneritic, fine-to-medium-grained quartz monzonite. Mineralogy includes large plagioclase laths up to 8mm in length, quartz, alkali feldspar, biotite. Very large crystals of a dark material up to 3cm in length.…



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