Fresh water marl with plant remains. Specimens selected to include leaf and or stem remains. Hand sample specimen is small and crumbly. Fossil bearing biofloatstone composed of soft silt, mud and limestone matrix, with carbon imprint and original…
Ferrohypersthene Garnet Biotite Tonalite from the Spaulding Quartz Diorite. Some samples are fairly weathered. Thin section contains garnet, biotite, quartz, and plagioclase. Hand sample shows garnet, biotite, quartz, feldspars, and evidence of…
Traces of oceanic metamorphism in greenschist-amphibolitic facies and weak overprint in prehnite-pumpellyite facies.
Metamorphic oceanic paragenesis: dark hornblende, actinolite, chlorite, oligoclase-albite in microfractures or reaction rims on…