This granite post-dates deformation and metamorphism. Silver got a U/Pb zircon age of 1125 Ma. This is a most unusual rock type. This rock has small quantities of fayalitic olivine and ferrohedenbergite that occur with mesoperthite and quartz. It…
Grossular-andradite garnet, diopside, chlorite, sodic pyroxene, vesuvianite, titansphene, opaques. Traces of primitive gabbroid structure with diablastic development of the newlyformed phases and pseudomorphs of sodic pyroxene on primary pyroxenes.…
Porphyritic texture with large (>0.5 cm) euhedral garnets in a fine grained, green matrix shows serpentinization, one side containing mass of light colored transloucent pyroxcene; contains pyroxcene, plagioclase, olivine.