Browse Items (1651 total)

Rock may have undergone some alteration

Amphibole, epidote, chlorite, quartz, calcite, and clinozosite present are thought to be alteration products

Rock appears to be hydrothermally altered, sample is taken from a sill and is source of basaltic tuffs in area

Rock has been subjected to alteration and shear forces, the garnet present is probably an alteration product

Leucocratic, orthorhombic pryoxenes abundant



DUCO-6 hand sample of garnet biotite schist
Schist with sparse garnet. This schist is darker and graphitic. It also contains biotite, chlorite, muscovite, feldspar, and quartz.

The thin section shows several large biotite grains with an included garnet, small quartz grains, muscovite, and…

contains melt-like aggregates

2013-10-08 18.30.12.jpg
Garnet Gneiss from the Kinsman Quartz Monzonite. Thin section contains large alkali feldspar porphyroblasts, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, garnet, and quartz. Hand sample is coarse grained and cataclastic, and contains plagioclase, bitote,…

Deep brown oxidation with yellow (limonite?) area

Coarse, with white veins and orange coloration

Phyllite containing porphyroblasts of garnet

Not as messy as garnet psuedolucite syenite at Diamond Joe Quarry

Garnets and chlorite in pelitic bands

Grade bedded layers of pelitic bands and thin sandstones

Micaceous schist containing porphyroblasts of garnet and staurolite.

Not dark phonolite facies
(exotic block)
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