Browse Items (1651 total)


Hand Sample
Hand Sample: Aphanitic light gray hawaiite with inclusions containing numerous vesicles. Inclusions are darker in color with abundant vesicles less than 0.01cm in diameter. The surface of the sample is heavily weathered, resulting in sample's tan…

Hand Sample
Hand Sample: Aphanitic light gray hawaiite. Sample contains sparse vesicles that are generally 0.1cm or less in diameter.

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda Family: Anomura Genus: Species:
A ferruginous sample.

Both thin section images were taken at a 400x magnification.

2013-12-10 21.46.39.jpg
Hand Sample: Porphyritic fine-grained light-pink and black phenocrysts in a reddish-purple-brown matrix. Hospitable to grey-brown lichen.



Some alteration has produced epidote, most of the hornblende is prismatic and occurs in two colors

2013-10-08 18.43.12.jpg
Hornblende Gabbro-Diorite from the Spaulding quartz diorite. Thin section contains hornblende, plagioclase, and quartz. Hand sample contains hornblende, plagioclase, and quartz.

Rock Sample:
The sample is pinkish gray with brown to green phenocrysts. There are fine-grained to medium-grained phenocrysts (0.5~5mm in length). There is a dark-brown to orange coating, which is evidence of chemical weathering due to oxidation. …

Contains sutured grain boundaries, conversion of hornblende to magnetite, and some fine-grained alteration products

pillow lava metamorphosed to zone 2
Coarse-grained hornblendite (some specimens have a few garnets)
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