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Satalitic intrusion

with relict pyroxene and plagioclase

Rock Sample:
The overall matrix is a dark green blue but there are many different colored clasts that give it a mixture of colors. The color of the clasts range from brick red, pink, white, and green (non-reactant to acid). The texture of the rock…

Rock Sample:
The sample is brown to white to green in color. It is porphyritic and has foliations that fan out. There are also wide fractures (≤1mm in length). There is a brownish orange coating which is evidence of chemical weathering. There…

Hand Sample
Hand Sample: On cut face, aphanitic, gray basalt with light colored phaneritic crystals (~0.1 cm in size). Subparallel fractures noted across sample. Exterior of sample has been heavily weathered, resulting in the red and orange discoloration.
Hyaloclastite of basalt with superimposed metamorphism in pumpellyite-prehnite facies.
Altered Basalt-greenstone

Hand Sample: Aphanitic brown-black basalt with microcrystalline inclusions of quartz and alkali feldspar. Weathers to yellow orange. Part of a dike cross cutting granite at the Cornwall Quarry.

OCR PDF of supplemental information for the Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence--Dutchess County, NY





occurs in chlorite zone

fine grained hematite and chert included
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