Browse Items (1651 total)

Black slate

Dark-colored slate that is slightly phyllitic.

Sample contains porphyroblasts of poikilitic hornblende. Thought to represent Na-rich volcanic units.

Phyllite containing porphyroblasts of garnet

Micaceous schist containing porphyroblasts of garnet and staurolite.

Mica-based schist with porphyroblasts of staurolite.

Muscovite-biotite schist containing large sillimanite crystals-mostly retrograded to muscovite

Mica-based schist containing porphyroblasts of andalusite (chiastolite) which have been partly retrograded to muscovite

Described as a "banded injection gneiss".

Micaceous schist containing staurolite. Note that the staurolite is only found in the pelitic layers and is absent in the quartz-rich layers

Muscovite-biotite schist

Gneiss with a migmatitic fabric. Also contains quartz-feldspar pods.

Example of the Dakin Hill Member. Porphyroblastic gneiss.

Synkinematic deformed gneiss w/ augen-like feldspar ribbons

Dark, banded

This foliated sample is dominated by micas and quartz. It is a sample from the Hubbard Hill member.

Muscovite-sillimanite schist where much of the sillimanite has been somewhat altered to muscovite. This sample may also contain muscovite pseudomorphs after staurolite.

Mica-based schist containing significant quartz
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