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Dark grey to black, aphanitic texture, fine grained matrix, smooth texture, euhedral light-colored garnets, pyroxene and garnet cystals in thin section show a yellow border in plain polarized light, additional long spindly pyroxene crystals visible…

Dark grey to black peridotite, phaneritic texture, containing numerous phenocrysts with a soft grey to white color. Small crystals of olivine visible in hand sample, characterized by a darker color than the surrounding rock and a more glassy luster,…

Dark colored phaneritic peridotite containes micas, garnets, olivine pyroxene and plagioclase all visible from hand sample. Sample is speckled with light colored material and larger crystals of pyroxcene, olivine and michas visible in hand sample,…

Hand Sample
Hand Sample: Natural surface of sample is dark in color with smooth texture. Cut face reveals blocks of peridotite and dunite held together with a thin layer of lava cement. Sample has high specific gravity.

Extensively used in highway construction

Kingdom: Plantae

Ichnogenus: Trypanites
Spilitized pillow basalt with overprinted prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism. Arborescent ophitic to spherulitic texture; ablitized and saussuritized plagioclase, chloritized glass matrix, with occasional epidote.

Biotite forms lineation in some hand specimens, much of the quartz and feldspar is fractured
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