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2013-10-08 18.38.45.jpg
Relatively coarse facies from the Concord Granite. Thin section contains plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, muscovite, and biotite. Hand sample is a coarse-grained granite with quartz, feldspars, and micas.

2013-10-08 18.40.21.jpg
Quartz Monzonite from the Kinsman Quartz Monzonite unit. Thin section contains lots of plagioclase in addition to biotite and quartz. Hand sample contains feldspars, quartz, and biotite.

2013-10-08 18.41.18.jpg
Quartz Monzonite from the Kinsman Quartz Monzonite unit. Thin section shows quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and myrmekitic texture. Hand sample contains quartz, feldspars, and micas.

Macroscopic: Grey garnet, biotite and chlorite bearing quartzite. Likely protolith is a low-Al quartz-rich sandstone bed. Microscopic: Abundant quartz crystals accompanied by chlorite and biotite. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted…

2013-10-08 18.42.42.jpg
Granite, dark facies, from the Concord Granite. Thin section contains quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, and biotite. Hand sample shows lots of quartz and feldspars with dark biotite.

2013-10-08 18.43.12.jpg
Hornblende Gabbro-Diorite from the Spaulding quartz diorite. Thin section contains hornblende, plagioclase, and quartz. Hand sample contains hornblende, plagioclase, and quartz.

2013-10-08 18.43.34.jpg
Garnet-rich quartz monzonite from the Kinsman Quartz Monzonite. Garnets are replaced partly by biotite. Some of the garnet forms pods and boudins. Similar sample to NH-9.
Hand sample shows large biotites, plagioclase, and quartz.
Thin section…

Rock Sample:
The sample is metamorphic. It is green to light-green in color. There are very course grained tabular zones of metamorphism (12x4cm) and light to dark layering with non-uniform shapes and patterns. The grains are aphanitic. The…

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. The biotite has begun retrograding to chlorite. There is a mineral zone consisting of garnets present in the handsample. Microscopic: Abundant foliated biotite/sericite and quartz. Large amphibole phenocrysts…

Rock Sample:
The sample is fine-grained, and the majority of the rock is dark grey in color. There is a 2.5x4cm white crystal formation on the upper edge of the sample. There are fractures running through the sample. There is some chemical…

Macroscopic: Porphyroblastic amphibole in epidote, chlorite, and garnet calcsilicate rock. This sample represent the metamorphism of calcarious concretions in beds of quartzite to a schist. The formation this samples comes from has considerable…

Rock Sample:
The sample is pinkish gray with brown to green phenocrysts. There are fine-grained to medium-grained phenocrysts (0.5~5mm in length). There is a dark-brown to orange coating, which is evidence of chemical weathering due to oxidation. …

Macroscopic: Staurolite, garnet, biotite porphyroblastic, chlorite bearing, muscovite schist. Both garnets and staurolite are idiomorphic with the former highly poikiloblastic. The foliation in the schist bends around the porphyroblastic phases…

Rock Sample:
The sample has black to green phenocrysts with a greenish white matrix. It has phaneritic grains with a aphanetic matrix. Phenocrysts are coarse to fined grained ranging from 0.1~1cm in size. There is a chalk like powder on the…

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. This sample was a part of a roof pendant, or a piece of rock the surrounded a batholith. Likely part of the silimanite zone. Microscopic: This sample under thin section displays an almost entirely mica and…

Rock Sample:
The sample color has a cream colored matrix with dark green phenocrysts. The sample contains Laumontite, which is a mineral in the zeolite group. There is a white talc-like substance on upper part of sample. Phenocrysts are medium to…

Macroscopic: Mesocratic fibrolitic double micaceous pinstripped gneiss. High reflectivity denotes a high concentration of foliated micas. Migmatized texture indicates of the rock indicates incipient melting. Microscopic: This sample contains…

Rock Sample:
The samples color has a white matrix with dark green phenocrysts. It is phaneritic. There is evidence of chemical weathering due to the presence of a dark brownish orange film on the sample--may be oxidation. There is a sandy smooth…

Macroscopic: Leucocratic biotite, muscovite, sillimanite gneiss. A banded gneiss characterized by leucocratic minerals. Microscopic: thin section shows an abundance of muscovite and quartz. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the…

Macroscopic: Andalusite, biotite, garnet, muscovite, chlorite schist. Heavily weathered exterior due to divets and altered nature. High abundance of foliated mica. Microscopic: The andalusite, biotite, and garnet are porphyroblastic with andalusite…
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