Browse Items (1651 total)

Rock Sample:
The color of the crystals within the sample is half-white and half-black in color. The internal part of the sample feels rough, but the outside layer of the sample feels more like a fine-grained. This could be due to erosion on the…

Macroscopic: In this Chiastolite slate, the andalusite has retrograded to sericite. Microscopic: Strongly foliated sericite. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the title of the picuture. Thin sections are 3mm across.

Rock Sample:
The sample is a dark greenish blue with brown layering. On one side of the sample there is a sand-like residue that is tan in color. The sample is aphanitic and possesses micro-folds. The sample appears to have experienced some…

Macroscopic: An andalusite, biotite schist with large and abundant garnet porphyroblasts. Low grade of metamorphism. Microscopic: Large andalusite and cordierite phenocrysts within very fine grained matrix. Thin section pictures in XPL unless…

Rock Sample:
The sample is very dark grey with light grey foliations.
The sample displays thin layering, some areas of chemical weathering, and microfoliations. It is aphanitic. There is quartz- like residue on the outside of the sample. It has…

Macroscopic: Grey massive biotite, muscovite granite. Overall white and grey color. Only slightly weathered.  Microscopic: Abundant in alkali feldspar, plagoclase, quartz and mica. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the title of…

Rock Sample:
The sample color is mainly light grey to white. There is a lime green layer as well as some dark grey and brown groupings. It is pegmatic and experiences non-congruent foliation and Y-shaped fractures. There are dark brown to orange…

Macroscopic: Garnet-muscovite bearing granitic pegmatite. Visible, green beryl may be present as beryl is often associated with pegmatites. The mineralogy is typical of sedimentary protolith granites which supports the hypothesis that the basement of…

Rock Sample: The color is a shiny dark grey with a bluish tint. Some parts of the sample are a more dark turquoise. Some faces are lighter and or darker than other faces. There is also a face with a brownish color and another face with a tannish…

Macroscopic:This schist is lamprophyric, meaning it has a low silica content, thus little to no quartz. The sample comes from a large xenolith in the Popes Harbour dike. Microscopic: Reaction textures are present in thin section. Thin section…

Rock Sample:
The sample color is light brown to dark brown in color with white residue through out the surface. The rock has a light green tint. There is a greasy luster to the sample. There are large white veins and planes of cleavage that follow…

Rock Sample:
The rock is dark green throughout, with a mineral forming white specks. The white mineral does not react with hydrochloric acid. The texture is very rough, and the rock's edges are sharp. Large flat phenocrysts (~ ≤10mm). The…

Rock Sample:
The sample is brown to white to green in color. It is porphyritic and has foliations that fan out. There are also wide fractures (≤1mm in length). There is a brownish orange coating which is evidence of chemical weathering. There…

Rock Sample:
The color is mainly a very dark green to dark grey. Some parts of the rock exhibit greasy luster. There are some tannish white spots and some slightly larger dark brown spots. The tannish white mineral reacts with acid. There are dark…

Rock Sample:
The overall matrix is a dark green blue but there are many different colored clasts that give it a mixture of colors. The color of the clasts range from brick red, pink, white, and green (non-reactant to acid). The texture of the rock…

Rock Sample:
The sample appears to be a conglomerate of crystals.The color is tan to dark green. The rock has low specific gravity . There are green, white, and brownish-orange clasts. There are some minor fractures on the outside of the sample. …

Andesite Tuff
Rock Sample:
The color is mainly blue and black. The sample is aphanitic and the cross section of the sample reveals very fined grained phenocrysts (~1mm in diameter). The colors of the phenocrysts range from white, blue, black, or green.
It has…

Fresh water marl with plant remains. Specimens selected to include leaf and or stem remains. Hand sample specimen is small and crumbly. Fossil bearing biofloatstone composed of soft silt, mud and limestone matrix, with carbon imprint and original…

Conglomerate, dominated by carbonate pebbles). Only a medium grained (1-10cm) facies collection of out of what was perhaps a 50ft exposure of coarse conglomerates. Light pink quartzite pebbles are interpreted to have been deposited during the…

Fine grained relatively soft calcareous sandstone. Thin Section Fine angular grains with fairly close packing characterize this thin section, with unusually sharp angles. Sample is still clay dominated.
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