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  • Collection: (NS) Meta-Pelite Suite -- Shelburne, Nova Scotia

Macroscopic:This schist is lamprophyric, meaning it has a low silica content, thus little to no quartz. The sample comes from a large xenolith in the Popes Harbour dike. Microscopic: Reaction textures are present in thin section. Thin section…

Macroscopic: Garnet-muscovite bearing granitic pegmatite. Visible, green beryl may be present as beryl is often associated with pegmatites. The mineralogy is typical of sedimentary protolith granites which supports the hypothesis that the basement of…

Macroscopic: Grey massive biotite, muscovite granite. Overall white and grey color. Only slightly weathered.  Microscopic: Abundant in alkali feldspar, plagoclase, quartz and mica. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the title of…

Macroscopic: An andalusite, biotite schist with large and abundant garnet porphyroblasts. Low grade of metamorphism. Microscopic: Large andalusite and cordierite phenocrysts within very fine grained matrix. Thin section pictures in XPL unless…

Macroscopic: In this Chiastolite slate, the andalusite has retrograded to sericite. Microscopic: Strongly foliated sericite. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the title of the picuture. Thin sections are 3mm across.

Macroscopic: Andalusite, biotite, garnet, muscovite, chlorite schist. Heavily weathered exterior due to divets and altered nature. High abundance of foliated mica. Microscopic: The andalusite, biotite, and garnet are porphyroblastic with andalusite…

Macroscopic: Leucocratic biotite, muscovite, sillimanite gneiss. A banded gneiss characterized by leucocratic minerals. Microscopic: thin section shows an abundance of muscovite and quartz. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the…

Macroscopic: Mesocratic fibrolitic double micaceous pinstripped gneiss. High reflectivity denotes a high concentration of foliated micas. Migmatized texture indicates of the rock indicates incipient melting. Microscopic: This sample contains…

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. This sample was a part of a roof pendant, or a piece of rock the surrounded a batholith. Likely part of the silimanite zone. Microscopic: This sample under thin section displays an almost entirely mica and…

Macroscopic: Staurolite, garnet, biotite porphyroblastic, chlorite bearing, muscovite schist. Both garnets and staurolite are idiomorphic with the former highly poikiloblastic. The foliation in the schist bends around the porphyroblastic phases…

Macroscopic: Porphyroblastic amphibole in epidote, chlorite, and garnet calcsilicate rock. This sample represent the metamorphism of calcarious concretions in beds of quartzite to a schist. The formation this samples comes from has considerable…

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. The biotite has begun retrograding to chlorite. There is a mineral zone consisting of garnets present in the handsample. Microscopic: Abundant foliated biotite/sericite and quartz. Large amphibole phenocrysts…

Macroscopic: Grey garnet, biotite and chlorite bearing quartzite. Likely protolith is a low-Al quartz-rich sandstone bed. Microscopic: Abundant quartz crystals accompanied by chlorite and biotite. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted…

Macroscopic: Mega-porphyroblastic andalusite, cordierite, staurolite, biotite, garnet schist. Relict bedding, cross bedding or graded bedding may be apparent in some samples. Mineral zone: staurolite-andalusite. Microscopic: Large garnet phenocrysts…

Macroscopic: Porphyroblastic staurolite, andalusite, cordierite, garnet, biotite, chlorite, muscovite schist. Cross bedding or graded bedding may be apparent in some samples. Mineral zone: staurolite-andalusite. Microscopic: Large garnet phenocrysts…

Macroscopic: Biotite, muscovite schist. Parts of the outcrop are migmatic as a result of intrusion by various phases of the Port Mouton Pluton. Microscopic: Coarse grained biotite, muscovite and quartz. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise…

Macroscopic: Argillite bearing spessartine garnet formed through reaction with the surrounding rock during metamorphism. Microscopic: Abundant medium-sized garnet phenocrysts within a very fine grained matrix. Thin section pictures in XPL unless…

Macroscopic: Slate (low grade shale metamorphism) samples with visible thin black beds. Samples were found interbedded with siltstones represented by sample NS-1. High angle between bedding and cleavage. Microscopic: Very fine grained quartz,…

Macroscopic: Low-grade metamorphic (zeolite facies) black siltstone with idiomorphic pyrite porphyroblasts. Microscopic: Very fine grained quartz and muscovite with large pyrite phenocrysts. Thin section picture in XPL unless noted in the picture…

OCR PDF of supplemental information for the Meta-Pelite Suite, Shelburne, Nova Scotia collection. This file outlines the descriptions of every sample in suite as well as providing geologic context to the area and the suite itself.
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