Traces of oceanic metamorphism in greenschist-amphibolitic facies and weak overprint in prehnite-pumpellyite facies.
Metamorphic oceanic paragenesis: dark hornblende, actinolite, chlorite, oligoclase-albite in microfractures or reaction rims on…
Dioritic gabbro with deformational oceanic metamorphism of amphibolitic to greenschist facies and overprinting of prehnite-pumpellite.
Primary phases: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, ilmenite. Oceanic metamorphic paragenesis: plagioclase,…
Serpentinized peridotite with plagioclase, olivine, plagioclase, clino-pyroxene, chromite. Secondary minerals include hydrogrossuaria as well as serpentine, chlorite, prehnite.
Antigorite, magnetite, carbonates (ankerite), diopside, clinohumite, tremolite, chlorite. Rarely, pseudomorphs on primary pyroxenes may be recognized, though there is superimposition of various deformational phases.