Chloritoid schist
Schist with coarse chloritoid crystals (up to 1/8 inch) without preferred orientation. These crystals grow across the foliation developed in the schist, but appear deformed. Chloritoid is a silicate mineral made in metamorphism. It also contains garnet, muscovite, chlorite, feldspar, and quartz.
The thin section shows a large chloritoid grain, and euhedral garnet. Fine-grained muscovite and biotite are present, along with strings of an opaque, likely graphite.
This rock is from the garnet zone in the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (intermediate metamorphism).
The thin section shows a large chloritoid grain, and euhedral garnet. Fine-grained muscovite and biotite are present, along with strings of an opaque, likely graphite.
This rock is from the garnet zone in the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (intermediate metamorphism).
Western Minerals
Is Part Of
<a href="http://geosciencecollections.milne-library.org/collections/show/18">Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence--Dutchess County, New York</a>
Spatial Coverage
Dutchess Co., NY
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals Inc.
Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence
Number of Thin Sections