Staurolite chloritoid schist
Schist bearing both staurolite and chloritoid. This marks the first appearance of staurolite in the metamorphic sequence. Also contains garnet, muscovite, chlorite, biotite, feldspar, and quartz. The assemblage in not in equilibrium.
The thin section shows large chloritoid grains with staurolite (an assemblage not in equilibrium). Fine grained muscovite and biotite are also present, along with micro-crystalline quartz and several graphite strings.
This rock is right at the transition between the garnet-staurolite zones in the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (intermediate (increasing) metamorphism).
The thin section shows large chloritoid grains with staurolite (an assemblage not in equilibrium). Fine grained muscovite and biotite are also present, along with micro-crystalline quartz and several graphite strings.
This rock is right at the transition between the garnet-staurolite zones in the Barrovian metamorphic sequence (intermediate (increasing) metamorphism).
Western Minerals
Is Part Of
<a href="http://geosciencecollections.milne-library.org/collections/show/18">Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence--Dutchess County, New York</a>
Spatial Coverage
Dutchess Co., NY
Accrual Method
Purchased from Western Minerals Inc.
Barrovian Metamorphic Sequence
Number of Thin Sections