Browse Items (1651 total)
Thin-bedded greywacke and chert.
Slightly metamorphosed greywacke

Rock Sample:
The sample color is light brown to dark brown in color with white residue through out the surface. The rock has a light green tint. There is a greasy luster to the sample. There are large white veins and planes of cleavage that follow…

DUCO-2 hand sample of green shale
Green shale of the Indian River member of the Normanskill formation. This shale contains muscovite, chlorite, plagioclase, and quartz.

The thin section shows quartz and biotite with some minor opaques.

This rock is from the chlorite zone of the…

Angular, silty size gains, composed of equal parts quatz, feldspars and rock fragments. Prominent orange and brown surface oxydation on all samples. Some samples contain evidence of bedding planes. Calicte is found along bedding planes, as well as…


includes andalusite-bearing phyllite

Coarse grained facies

DUCO-3 hand sample of graywacke
The graywacke facies in the Mt. Merino member (where sample 4 also comes from). Graywacke is a hard, dark-colored sandstone. This sandstone represents a similar rock to the protolith for the quartzite of sample 10.

The thin section shows quartz,…

Equal mix of angular and rounded sand-sized grains of quartz, with clay sized feldspars. Surface contains significant coverage of calcite that formed after lithification. Fresh surfaces do not effervesce with acid meaning that reaction is based on…

Sand sized quartz grains and smaller feldspars make up the matrix. Grey-brown sand weathers to a rusty golden color.

(Thin Section FOV: 1.28mm)

FR-7 XPL 100x.JPG
Angular sand size grains, dominated by quartz, have a brown color with a greenish tint. Calcite found on weathered bedding planes after lithification. Slight folding of the bedding planes in one direction. (FOV: 1.28)

Volcanic unit that is part of a large block of float material in big brook which drains the middle Moat mountain.

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