This charnockite is similiar to most of the Adirondack charnockites that occur interlayered with other metastratified units. Like its analogues, the Canada Lake charnockite shows conformable realationships with enveloping units. Mineralogically,…
This particular charnockite has been described, with analyses by deWaard and Romey, "Petrogenetic Relationships in the Anorthosite-Charnockite Series of the Snowy Mountain Dome," in Anorthosite Volume, New York State Museum Memoir 18, p.307-315. In…
Collected from the Redwall Formation, this is a highly silicious sample defined in the suite's documentation as chert, but the sample lacks the nano-crystalline appearance of a traditional chert. It appears to be more of a slightly metamorphosed…
Pink to light brown chert sample that contains small (< 1 mm diameter) vesicles. Very thin quartz veins propagate through the sample in no preferred orientation.
Macroscopic: In this Chiastolite slate, the andalusite has retrograded to sericite. Microscopic: Strongly foliated sericite. Thin section pictures in XPL unless otherwise noted in the title of the picuture. Thin sections are 3mm across.